Grandmother Ministry
Ministry Chair: Billie Tarnosky
For over ten years the parishioners of Good Shepherd Catholic Church have generously provided food items for one grandmother in McCormick. She is in her 70s, lives in an apartment, no vehicle and relies on a friend to take her to the grocery store. She takes care of 11 children of all ages. For years she provided small meals and snacks from her social security money. She barely had enough money to feed herself. Through Felicia Cromer, social worker, we found out she needed assistance. In 2023, Felicia added three more grandparents that need help to feed their grandchildren.
The following list is provided by Felicia Cromer at the Social Service Office:
Fruit cups
Canned or micro-wave Spaghetti
Mac & cheese
Regular Grits (to fill their bellies, Grandmother says)
Peanut butter & jelly
Any non-perishable items that you know kids will eat or drink
Please also consider:
Toilet paper
Cleaning products
Gift cards from Food Lion or the Dollar Stores
Felicia gives the gift cards to the grandmothers when their food supplies run low.
We will never know who these grandparents are. Felicia takes the supplies on her lunch hour, to the grandparents. Felicia says that all of the grandparents are so appreciative of our assistance.
If you decide to help, please put your food items in a bag marked BILLIE so it does not get mixed up with the Food Pantry items. Leave your bags in the Life Center for Sunday pick up. Table provided in Parish Life Center for your donations.
Thank you for your continued generosity and support of this ministry.
The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. Proverbs 22:9